VGH Simulation Centre Courses

VGH Simulation Centre offers a variety of courses, including Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) through the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada. These courses provide the opportunity to practice scenarios that mirror real life situations, helping you in your role as a healthcare provider. This includes covering a wide range of life-threatening scenarios that involve systems of care, immediate post-cardiac arrest care, acute dysrhythmia, stroke, and acute coronary syndromes. The aim of our courses is to strengthen your ability to communicate and work effectively as a critical member of a team.

Upcoming Courses

Course Information

BLS Provider

Foundational course for any healthcare professional who provides care to patients in a wide variety of settings. BLS Provider is essentially the same as a CPR course, with the difference being that BLS is more geared towards health care providers. The course will still cover CPR, AED use, and choking in adults, children, and infants, as well as airway management and opioid-related emergencies. Valid for 1 year. 

Duration: 4 hrs

Prereqs: None

ACLS Renewal with BLS Renewal

For those who have previously completed their ACLS certification, and want to refresh their skills. BLS renewal is included in this ACLS course. Snacks & lunch provided. Valid for 2 years. 

Duration: 8 hrs


Note on ACLS Renewal: Those who register for an ACLS Renewal course with an expired ACLS certificate may be permitted to attend the course (please let VGH Sim staff know if this applies to you). However, should they be ‘Not Yet Successful’ at the end of the course session, they will not be eligible for remediation, as per Heart & Stroke Policy. To obtain certification they will have to register and complete an ACLS Provider Course (Blended or 2-Day).

Blended ACLS Provider with BLS Renewal

Blended online and in-person format of the traditional course. Learning modules and the written exam are done online, with the class time reserved for skill and simulation practice. This format is ideal for  learners who prefer to work through material at their own pace, or who may already be familiar with the concepts that are taught in ACLS. BLS renewal is included in this ACLS course. Snacks & lunch provided. Valid for 2 years. 

Duration: 4 hrs online and 8 hrs in class


ACLS Provider with BLS Renewal (2 Days)

Full traditional course. This format may be preferred by learners who are less comfortable with the material, who are newer to ACLS, or who learn best through in-person instruction. BLS renewal is included in this ACLS course. Snacks & lunch provided. Valid for 2 years. 

Duration: 16 hrs (2 days)


Heartsaver CPR/AED for Allied Health

Heartsaver CPR/AED Level A is a foundational course for allied health professionals who provide or support care to patients in a wide variety of settings that do not utilize a bag-mask device. The course will cover CPR, AED use, and choking relief. Valid for 2 years

Please note: This course does not meet the requirements for nurses, physicians and respiratory therapists, please register for a BLS course.  

Note: BLS Renewals cannot be taken separately from their ACLS courses as the curriculum of these two offerings are integrated. Only ‘BLS Provider’ courses can be taken as a standalone course. 

Course Fees


When VGH Sim receives your course seat request (click the 'Request a Seat' button above) and offers you a seat within a course, prepayment is required to secure that seat. You will be sent an email from a team member with more payment information details. 

Payments can be made in-person at VGH Sim Centre (Staff Office, room 244) by either exact cash or cheque between the hours of 08:00-15:00 Mon - Fri. If a staff member isn't present, please phone 604-875-4623 as we may be helping clients in others parts of the centre. 

No refunds or transferability - Cancellations made 14 days or more in advance of the course start date will have payment funds kept on credit for future courses. Cancellations made within 14 days of the course start date will be subject to an $85 cancellation fee, with the remaining balance kept on credit for future courses. 

Please Note: ACLS and BLS courses at VGH Simulation Centre are not part of a funded program. This service was created by clinicians for VCH staff and developed on a low-cost, non-profit model. Your course fees cover the expense of running these courses and maintaining the equipment. All fees are redistributed back into the initiative. Some departments at VCH have provided additional support by providing instructors and instructional materials, and therefore have an adjusted course fee. We thank you for your support in making this service sustainable and allowing us to provide quality ACLS and BLS education for all.